Greetings to everyone, Garobadha Baptist Church (GBC) warmly Welcome you to our Website and to know more on the ministries of Church. Garobadha Baptist Church is a Church under the Garo Baptist Convention. It is situated in the Western part of Meghalaya State under the district of South-West Garo Hills. Garobadha Baptist Church has become one of the Baptist Churches of the Garo Baptist Convention since 1988. The Church was inaugurated and declared as a full-pledged Church by Mr. Nonjeng Ch. Marak, the President of the Garo Baptist Convention on the 16th February, 1988. The Motto of the Church is “ Jesus is Light of the World” (John 8:12). The aims and objectives of the Church is to spread the Gospel and to evangelize to the unreached places. Apart from this, the duty of the Church is to produce good and dynamic young leaders from among the Church members. Therefore, stay connected and be a part of our ministry.

VisionTo Spread the Shines of delectable Christ to the World

Mission: Let the Salvation of Christ be witnesses to the nation through words, deeds & in all behaviors.






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